Fees and Requirements


Membership subscriptions are payable on an annual basis and will commence annually on the first day of May. Membership that commences after 1 May will be pro-rated. In addition, there is also a one-time non-refundable entrance fee.

Annual Subscription Fee

Ordinary Member

S$3000.00 (S$3270.00 with GST)

Associate Member

S$1500.00 (S$1635.00 with GST)

Entrance Fee

Ordinary Member

S$1000.00 (S$1090.00 with GST)

Associate Member

S$500.00 (S$545.00 with GST)

Application for membership must be made on a prescribed ASMI Membership Application Form. Application form must be signed by a Proposer and a Seconder who are ASMl members. The companv's representatives who sign as Proposer and Seconder must be an authorised personnel of senior managerial level. Application must be submitted along with the ACRA Instant Business Profile Form to ASMI's office located at:

9 Jurong Town Hall Road #04-03 Trade Association Hub Jurong Town Hall, 609431